Beans n Booze

Long term Bartender and Barista Timon Kaufmann shares his experiences out of both worlds of coffee and cocktails. He adapts techniques and shows how coffee can be prepared to your needs as well as using it for cocktails and mixed drinks. Learn more about beans and booze and start exploring!
Timon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze
What barista can learn from bartenders?
When I started to get excited about the bar around ten years ago, long before I could call myself a barista too, the German bar community as we know it today was still in its...
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑTimon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze
Mainstream and coffee
The thing with mainstream is curse and blessing at the same time for every quality loving restaurateur. Most of the time it starts on a small scale. With an idea and the pure will to...
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑTimon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze
Kopi Luwak and some more stories of animal coffee
Turning shit into gold is something a lot of creative entrepreneurs tried to manage. And most of the time they failed. In case of speciality coffee though, this actually worked out quite successfully! Because of...
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑTimon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze
Nitro coffee lemonade! A very interesting combination.
When the temperature rises around you, one normally prefers when it falls in the glass for compensation. Therefore, an ice-cold refreshing lemonade on a hot day is more welcomed than a steaming hot filter coffee....
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑTimon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze, Uncategorized
We tested NitroBrew and found (almost) every use of it – part 2
We continue the presentation and testing of the new trendy NitroBrew from last week’s article. NitroBrew beer One of NitroBrew’s main arguments for a NitroBrew kettle is to nitro your favorite beer. We have...
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑTimon Kaufmann• Beans n Booze
Nitro Brew coffee and (almost) everything you ‘d like to know about it – part 1
Cold Coffee isn’t the same thing anymore. People drink it by choice. And they like it. Even the big coffee company with the mermaid got this one. As wouldn’t this be crazy enough (Cold coffee?...